O What a Night
I had the most eventful night last night I have had in a long time.
When I got home from work, Fred, my landlord, was in my apartment, installing a new air conditioner. I spoke to him about Chad moving out, and he said, "Well, you are at the top of the list for getting a larger apartment." So I hope that means "Yes."
So before too long I had gotten rid of him and I changed into shorts and got my swimming stuff. As I was leaving I realised Fred had left his copy of my key in the door. I went to go see if I could find him before he left.
I found Fred, Chad, and Paul, the older neat-looking guy, on the second floor landing. Paul told me Fred had just been stuck in the elevator. I said, "No way." I gave Fred the key, and he said he just remembered he had left "the key closet" unlocked, so he ran off.
Chad and Paul were moving a sofa. I hung around to help and to ask Paul if he was one of the Blues from down a little south of here. He said his family was from the Sandhills, but he had grown up in Ashboro.
Then I went to swim, and I ran into the girl I bought a cycad from (she's moving and had a plant sale). We chatted for a little about how the plant was doing (which is well).
I swam 17 laps.
On the way back into my building I saw Tania, the girl across hall, also going in. She hit the button for the elevator. I told it was broken, and that Fred had been stuck in it about an hour before. "Good for him. Did you ever get a receipt for your rent last month?" I told her I hadn't gotten a receipt for my rent in more than six months. She bitched about Fred the rest of the walk to our respective doors. An then she said she was moving out, too.
I'd still rather have Chad's apartment, for the big window.
So I finally get to the grocery store. I get a head of lettuce and some beer. And it takes forever to get checked out. I noticed there wasn't a manager around the front of the store.
And then right in line behind me is Michael, of David & Michael. So I talked to him, and waited on him and walked out with him. David was in the car so I stopped and said hi to him.
It was 7:15 by the time I got home. It was after eight before I had dinner ready. I gave up on the idea of doing any Greek.
I thought "Keen Eddie" was really good.