Wednesday, December 10, 2003

The Lime and the Cocoanut
I saw a doctor this morning. I had to get a physical exam to go to graduate school. I got a clean bill of health and positive feedback on exercising, as well as a flu and a tetanus shot.
I feel very positive right now that I have started the process of going into this program. The next steps, I suppose, are to mail the campus health form back in, contact the financial aid office to see if they can tell me anything about money, and make an appointment with my advisor.
I wrote an e-mail to my advisor last week, letting him know I knew he was my advisor, and asking him about how to find out about financial aid.
He's never written back.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I'm still not sure that getting an MLS is the right thing for me to do. But sometimes I will read or see something about a person my own age or younger that really makes me feel like I've been wasting my life.
I like this blog. Usually, I feel sympathico with what he has to say. But yesterday's posting kinda bummed me out. It was the first entry I read on there that drove the point home that the guy owns a house. He owns it. The posting was about having terrazzo floors put down in his bathrooms. "Bathrooms," plural.
The guy has got to be at least five years younger than me. I know, I know, things come to everybody in their own time, yeah, yeah.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Center Dash Vent
Yesterday afternoon as I was driving back up here from Rob's house I had a strange sensation.
My car, the Chevy Sprint I've had almost a year now, has heater settings so that while warm air is blowing on your feet, fresh air from outside is blowing in through a vent in the middle of the dashboard.
Yesterday afternoon on the road I had a strange feeling of nostalgia, of deja vu. I suddenly remembered driving my old Volkswagen Beetle in the wintertime, and how cold air would rush in through a hole in the middle of the dashboard. But in that car, it wasn't a vent; it was the the hole into the trunk where the radio was supposed to go.
* * * * * * * *
I watched "Brazil" over the weekend on DVD. I had to come home and pull out my VHS tape to make sure, but there were scenes in the version of that movie on the DVD which are not in the version on my tape. I feel cheated.
I also have to admit that although the first time I saw that movie was in 1988, and I have seen it countless times since, because I was so fascinated with the sets and the cool machines, I never realised just how pathetic and delusional Sam Lowery is. I used to think he was the sympathetic struggler in a totalitarian society. Now I think he's a pathetic dreamer whose attempts to bring his dreams into reality are ham-handed disasters.