Wednesday, January 11, 2006

First Week of Classes
Yesterday morning the dean of the library school called me. She said she thought she'd gotten my registration problems worked out. I hope she's right.
Last night my first class met. I was on the roll, which was a good sign. The class is about computers in archives, and it's taught by a woman who works at the state archives. I think her boss is the archives instructor I had last semester. I actually have him again this semester, for a course that continues that one last fall. His class meets for the first time tonight.
Oh, something awesome happened yesterday. I had driven to work and I left at 4:30 to get to class, and I got to Raleigh almost an hour early. So I went to the Taj Ma Teeter at Cameron Village for a cup of coffee and a snack. I chose a carton of some sort of pasta salad and got in the line at the self-checkout register. I was giving the people in front of me space and some budgy, zitty yahoo with a buggy just sailed into that space. I wanted to say something but figured it wasn't worth it. They guy seemd to have the IQ of a spitwad.
And then . . . oh, perfidous fortune, who so fleetingly yet munificently bestows graft . . .
The woman from the customer service desk came over and called me to the front of the line because I only had one item.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I Want To Shoot the Whole Day Down
The university where I'm in library school suddenly decided they had a policy that students cannot take inter-institutional courses without also taking an additional course on their campus. This completely screws me over because I have already completed all the required courses I need for my degree that they offer on their campus. That was what the library school literature instructed me to do. So to take the two courses I do need I would also have to take a third, and I can't handle that many and work at the same time.
The dean of the libarry school has been trying to get me enrolled. She tried to call me Friday but I was at lunch. When I called her back she was at lunch. I tried to reach her as soon as I got here but I just got her answering machine.
I think classes started over there today - it not today, it's soon - and I'm sure she's busy.
I'm sick of having problems over there.