Tales Out of School
Unfortunately, it's library school.
Class last night completely fucking sucked. First of all, we got back the assignments I did the other Sunday night, when I went to the campus libraries and looked up a bunch of crap. I got a 49. A forty-nine. I stayed late after class and spoke to the instructor about it. More about that later, possibly.
Next we had a guest speaker, the head of reference at the main campus library. Since she is the head of reference, and that was a reference class, I thought she was going to talk about reference work. No, she gave us a talk about What the Library Can Do For You, and How to Use the Library that she gives to new undergraduates. At one point she was showing how there are links to a lot of other university libraries' homepages from their library homepage, and she was just following all these links, and pronouncing the other web pages "very nice;" "Oo, Winston-Salem State. Very nice." And she consistently mispronounced words. She kept saying "cirkoolation." Oh, wait, there was a bit about reference at the end. She read to us word for word a hand-out she then handed out (she called this "forthcoming").
And I almost forgot that before any of this, when I first got to class, the Dean of the library school was pacing around the room with his eyes bugged out and clenching his fists because he'd gotten into a confrontation with somebody. He said he wished it had been a man, so that he could take care of it, and of course now the class would think he was sexist.
It all sucked.
And because of other personell changes at work, I'm going to have to go ahead and start training for the new job today, and split my time between the new and old jobs next week.
It's all bizarre.