I just can't seem to sleep these days . . .
I hear voices come in my head but I can't hear what they say . . .
Have you ever heard that song from the soundtrack of the first Austin Powers movie? It's been on my mind today. I've had trouble sleeping all week, and ironically, given that I haven't gotten much sleep, I've been dreaming a lot, but I can't remember any of them. I finally remembered a fragment from last night. For some reason I was describing to a friend the concentration of missle silos in the US heartland, and the resulting eastward fallout if they were the target of a nuclear attack.
It was probaly because of that episode of Jericho I watched last night. I really want to like that show, because I like post-apocalyptic tales, but it's never as good as it seems it could be.
I've been a borderline basket case because of the lack of sleep. This morning on the way to work Redd Kross' song Faith Healer almost made me cry.
Hey, good bubblegum can be great art.