New Job, Lunch Schedule, Life As Usual
I'm settling into my new job pretty well, although I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing sometimes. And I haven't assumed all my new responsibilities yet. Eventually I will have a couple shifts watching the reference desk.
In my old job, most days I had to be back from lunch right at one to take over the circulation desk. Now that I have been freed from that, I've started going over to the gym and swimming laps on my lunch hour. To swim and eat takes a smidge over an hour, so in my old job I couldn't do it. But now I can, and it's pretty awesome. It really makes me feel better overall. And sometimes the scenery ain't half bad.
But today I'm having a rest day.
This semester has had the biggest work load so far. In my reference class I had a big project due last week of research in an ancient database named Dialog. I also have a group project to do for that class and another research project, plus weekly assignments. In my other class, I get to design a library, and I mean draw actual floorplans, and come up with a capital budget for the place. I also have a group project for that class, and that's to come up with a line-item budget for a library.
I keep telling myself that after this semester, I will only have one more class to take at Central. The rest of the program is classes at State.
Even with the drive, I can't wait.