Friday, May 11, 2007

Recent Music Purchases
I ordered some discs from Merge Records. Among them was this album by The Angels of Epistemology, the band mentioned in a previous post. Now I understand why everyone talked about that band the way they did. They're actually quite good. If that website works for you, you should check out the tracks named "Whats Under Green" and "Good and Dead." The first is just darn good song-smithing, and the second is pretty good too but I mention it because it's about the death of D. Boone, the lead singer of The Minutemen, in 1985. Mike Watt was also in The Minutemen.
"Good and Dead" was one of the tracks on the little set of records I got at that show in 1988.
I also got a couple vinyl records by this band. I knew those folks when I lived in Raleigh, and I was actually asked to be their singer. But I had no idea what I was doing and my involvement didn't last very long. I ended up moving to Boone to finish college and I lost track of them. I had no idea they had released so many recordings.
What if . . .