Fitness Regimen (Possibly Temporary)
worked out last night for the first time in . . . well, quite a while. So long, in fact, that I only did one set of everything. And it still felt like a workout. But you know, it's weird for me to say this, I missed it. I didn't realise I missed it until I did it again.
(Don't tell anybody - but I have an idea to quit smoking and pack on all the weight I'll gain as muscle - but don't tell anybody in case I don't really quit.)
When I say I worked out, I mean with weights. I have always been swimming laps several times a week, as you diligent readers know from the on-going hunky lifeguard comments. I just don't refer to that as a workout, although sometimes it feels like one.
I'm sometimes amazed by all this, because I was the most unathletic teenager you ever saw.
* * * * * * *
Monday I sent the general manager of the dealership a letter describing how the salesman was wrong about the car I bought, and how this made me question what else he might have been wrong about, and made me suspicious that I got ripped off somehow. No response so far. I have a little concern that the salesman is going to call me and cuss me out.
The guy gave me a bad impression of car salesmen, but then who ever heard of a
car salesman making a
good impression?