DoE Headaches II
Last week, when I found out that the university never got the paperwork necessary for me to receive financial aid, I called the Department of Education. I had been told in October, when I first called and asked for this to be done, that the paperwork consisted of a letter which stated I was eligible for aid, and it was supposed to be sent directly to the school.
Last week the DoE told me that it wasn't a letter, it was form, a U23, or something, and it wasn't sent to the school, it was sent to me, and I needed it out and then give it to the school. I would have it, I was told, in seven to ten days.
The ten days was up yesterday. I had received nothing.
I called again this morning. I was told today that there was no record that anything had been sent to me last week.
I think it's time to bring in Liddy. About ten years ago I enlisted the aid of her predecessor with a similar problem.