The Bestest Christmas Gift
I got this book as a Christmas gift, and it's really cool. However, I've noticed soemthing odd about it. The book includes maps of every county covered, and these maps indicate the location of most of the buildings described. However, there are a few places that are listed in the text which have the note "Private, not visible from road," and these buildings are not indicated on the map. Maybe they didn't want to encourage people to try and hike in to see them.
I noticed this because there is a stone house in my home county which I don't think I've ever been to. It's somewhere out in the country a little to the west of my hometown. It's called the Weidner Rock House. I've read that the house was built in the late 18th century and then moved in the first half of the nineteenth - which I found unlikely since it was a freakin' stone house. The architecture guide says that the current house was built in the 1840s using the stones from an older house, which is much more realistic.
I wanted to try and see exactly where that house is, but it was "Private, not visible from road," and not indicated on the map.