Thursday, July 13, 2006

At Work Alone
Monday and Tuesday I was the only person in my department here. Everyone else was at a conference in St. Louis. Monday morning was kind of hellish, but over all it wasn't too bad. One of my co-workers returned yesterday, and we thought the other two were supposed to be back today, but they haven't shown up. The day is half over - I guess they won't.
I made it through my workout again Tuesday night. I can see you yawning, but I'm just amazed everytime I get through. I'm making progress, too. This time I got the whole thing done in just a tad over an hour. That's where I was when I quit back in the spring. This time I also did two tricep exercises - so far in this current series of workouts I have only been doing the tricep extension (which some call a kickback). But last time I added the tricep dip (except I do mine off the edge of the bench - er, refrigerator - instead of on gym equipment like that guy is).
Where's my motivation?