First Written Assignment
So yeah, it would seem I've managed to stay in school so far.
I'm reading a book about libraries in antiquity for my paper on a famous librarian. I just read that Zenodotus, the first Director of the Alexandrian library, was the first known person to use alphabetisation as an organisational method in a library. I don't remember hearing that before. The book I own about the library, The Vanished Library, by Luciano Caniforelli, is concerned with classical studies, not library science (dispite that, it will be another scource). I also found in the ancient libraries book a terrible translation of a witty quote about the Alexandrian library. Caniforelli has something about "scribblers in the cage of the muses," which I love, and this current reading has "feeding station of the muses." Geez. "Feeding station." Who wrote that crap?