Back to Blah
I went to Southern Pines again for the weekend. While driving back yesterday afternoon, I didn't turn on the radio in the car for an hour. I just drove and contemplated.
First, I decided I was glad the summer is over. Good riddance. Let it go. Look ahead.
Then I thought about something I had just found out about at the end of last week. It is the existence of such a thing as a classical studies librarian. I was killing time Friday and I did a Google search with those terms, just to see what was found. Lo and behold, it is an actual field.
So of course now this is what I am considering becoming. A real classical studies librarian needs a degree in library science and classical studies. If I get a master's in library science, I would be qualified for a different tier of job, and possibly, with an employer who would be more willing to let me arrange life and work so that I could work on a classical studies degree. Or certificate, which is what I would get if I completed the post-baccalaureate program. Which all that, I would just have to start over. Now I see it was a good thing I audited Greek. I can take it again in the future for a grade. And I'll know what I'm getting into.
Maybe of course, this whole plan is just a flavour of the month. Maybe it is just a rationalisation which makes me more okay with the idea of getting an MLS. As a good friend told me, though, good mental health requires five rationalisations a day.