Finis Latinae
Class today was quite entertaining, as it should have been, since it is the last one I will be attending.
The regular instructor was absent, and a different grad student substituted. A very lively, snappy grad student. He made fun of a guy who's always asking all these questions. It was great to see that kid be made fun of, because it's obvious his motivation for asking all those questions is to try and make himself look smart.
But yes, the class was moved to the freshman campus.
I e-mailed the regular instructor Wednesday and told her if class was moved over there I wouldn't be able to attend any longer. I never heard back from her. I'm starting to wonder about the interaction of e-mail from addresses in the law school, and general university e-mail addresses. They have different suffixes. In the past, people with general university addresses have told me my mail arrives a long time after it was sent.
I have begun to wonder if Wednesday's message ever arrived, or if it was delayed, and didn't arrive until after whatever happened that prevented the teacher from being in class today.
If I let myself dwell on this I could get really pissed off. The reason the teacher didn't like the room is because it was really too small for the size of the class. The reason the class was so big is because many undergraduates take Latin to satisfy their foreign language requirement because Latin meets three days a week (if a Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or twice (if a Tuesday, Thursday). Introductory level modern language classes meet every day.
These kids don't care about classical language or the ancient world. They're just taking advantage of a loophole to have a couple days off from a class.