Friday, May 28, 2004

Memorial Day
Yippee. A three-day weekend. Swimming pools. Movie stars.
* * * * * *
All right, low score on creativity for linking to someone else's blog again (it will be interesting to see what happens to this one after my last experience) but it's really funny. See here.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

That blog I linked to yesterday is gone. Well, it isn't completely vanished - it's just that the usual array of entries has been replaced by a sole statement that - I think he's saying that he's busy with work and he's retiring from blogging for a while.
I wonder if it was something I said.
No, I realise that the chances that it had anything to do with little old me are slim. I don't even know for sure if somebody can tell when somebody else links to their blog, or if they can tell who it is.
Although once I linked to the blog of this fella in Manhattan. It was during a period when the main author of the page was out of town, and he was letting a friend post entries to his blog. After I linked to it, the guest blogger posted an entry which included (something like),"Now, People, we thought we'd made this clear. If you want to link to our blog, write to us and ask us, and we'll return the favour."
I really had no idea of that had anything to do with me or not, and I really didn't care if I'd offended somebody who was such a queen he seriously thought he could get away with using the royal "we."
I hope those interested got to see the blog linked below before it metamorphed. And maybe everything is still archived there, I didn't think to look.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The Tropical, Panting Summer
And it isn't even June yet. The heat has me in a distemper. It is hot at night. I see have already documented Monday night. Last night through a switch to knit sheets, a rearrangement of a fan, and sheer exhaustion, I sleep well, but today I am out-of-sorts.
The heat is a constant reminder I still have no air conditioner. Since at least last Friday, my landlord has not checked his voice-mail, or it's broken. The message offers to accept a fax, so this morning I wrote him a letter and faxed it to him. The letter states that I will go and buy an air conditioner and deduct it from June's rent if he doesn't install one by the end of this week.
* * * * * * * *
I've been checking in on this blog a lot recently. The dude is into some good music.
He reminds me, though, to be cautious follwing links in blogs. I am at work, after all.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

No Air, Little Sleep
I let my hair down for the weekend, but last night it was back to moderation city. That idea I had, about putting off a workout until after the weekend's rest, that might have worked better if I'd worked out Sunday night. Instead I worked out Monday night, and it was really hard to get through the routine.
And sleep . . . I still have no air conditioner. At bedtime I lay there almost breaking a sweat. I got to sleep eventually but kept waking up. At least I didn't have the intense, uncomfortable dreams I sometimes get under similar circumstances. I dreamt but it was like a voice droming on in my head - I don't even remember any visuals.

Abu Boo Boo
This would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that it's gotten old and embarressing.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Monday Redux
Reliving the ennui of a hundred other Mondays.
The weekend was pretty good. I got to see one of the bestest movies of all time, "Go." It does what Quentin Tarantino tried to do with "Pulp Fiction" better.
I also went on a daytrip to Raleigh with my friend Rob and a woman he knows. She's from Haiti but also has family in Tunisia and France. This probably makes her sound pretty interesting, and she is, but she's also quite deaf.