The Horrors of Yuletide
I got some bad news a while back. I found out that the last course I need to complete my master's in library science has been re-scheduled from the spring semester to the fall semester. This means that I will not be able to graduate in May, 2007, as I had planned. I will graduate next December, postponing things a full year from now.
Then I got worse news, which compounded the above bad news. This library is going to undergo renovation starting next May. The entire collection with the exception of a very few things, is going into storage. Right now they are saying that wherever the stuff will go into storage, it will be inaccessible. So their plan is to get everything everyone wants through interlibrary loan.
It's insane.
I want out.
This second news drove to me try and somehow get graduated in May. I tried to set up an independant study. Didn't work out. I tried to find a comparable class taught on-line at another school. Couldn't find one.
So now I've been thinking of applying for jobs anyway, and these horrible facts have emerged:
1.) employers hiring for a paraprofessioanl position won't hire me because I almost have an MLS, and they think I will leave soon after its completion
2.) employers hiring for a professional position won't hire me because my degree won't be finished for another full year, and if some unforeseeable circumstance comes up and I don't finish my degree, I'll be in a job I'm not qualified for.
Happy freakin' new year.